International Cha Cha

1. Cha Cha Basic Movements

1b. Open Basic Movement
The Open Basic Movement is similar to the Closed Basic Movement danced without turn, except that the leader dances the first Chasse back and the second Chasse forward. Lady/Follower dances the normal opposite. This figure may be danced with normal hold, L to R hand hold, or without hold at all levels.
1c. Basic Movement In Place
This is a figure where five steps are danced in place with feet almost together, LF RF LF RF LF (LF Basic in Place) or RF LF RF LF RF (RF Basic in Place). Lady/Follower dances normal opposite. It is danced in Closed Position and there is no turn. This is a useful practice exercise for teaching beginners the weight changes and rhythm and may also be used as an occasional alternative to the normal Closed Basic Movement.